Yalmakanay - Liyawaday - Gurrundul
Three Yolgnu Women

YALMAKANAY MARAWILI/MARIKA and GURRUNDUL MARAWILI/MARIKA are sisters of the great Djambawa Marawili. LIYAWADAY is the third wife of Djambawa Marawili and daughter to Dhukal Wirrpanda and Galuma Maymuru. These three extraordinary women artists are from from the Yirrkala region NT. There is a history of contact between the Yolgnu and both New Guinea and Indonesia. To commemorate the occasion, Annandale Galleries will be presenting work by these two artists in association with Buku-Larrnggay Mulka arts in Yirrkala. It is hoped that the opportunity to view the artists from New Guinea and Yirrkala will produce some interesting and stimulating results.


Yalmakanay - Liyawaday - Gurrundul
Three Yolgnu Women
bark paintings & ceremonial poles
1 July - 8 Aug 2009

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